Net Neutrality In Canada

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There has been a war going on right before our eyes. It's about power and control, but not in the way you would think. It is a war over the internet; who is in control of where it goes and how fast it goes. It is called Net Neutrality and it affects everyone. Cable companies are trying to force internet companies like Google, Facebook, and Netflix to pay for their users to have a faster connection, and that is wrong. The cable companies should not be able to force companies to pay to prioritize their speeds. We need Net Neutrality here in the US to set a precedent for everyone else, protect internet companies and continue the progress that has already started in the past year. Internet Companies that pay money to the cable companies …show more content…

Most countries tend to follow what the US does in terms of technology, as the US is an important part in our technology age. Canada is waiting to see what the US does before making a decision in their government. They usually follow what the US does on most modern issues, like technology. In Canada, there are prevention methods being used by large companies to prevent it from happening. Just like in the US, attempts to create Net Neutrality has caused lawsuits and regulatory government hearings to pop up. Canada’s Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission has In both Canada and the UK, lawsuits made by telecommunication companies have been filed to protect them from government regulation. Some customers are threatening to leave the ISPs for other providers, but there are not many to choose from in Canada. The UK, however is a very “highly competitive market” and would be “very difficult for providers to jack up their prices without losing customers” (Vincent). The EU tends to follow other member countries on technology issues, so they will most likely follow what the UK does, as the UK is a current member of the EU. This has all caused a big stir around the globe as to who can control the …show more content…

FCC Commissioner Ajit Patel has called Net Neutrality a “government control of the Internet” (FCC approves). The reason we need Net Neutrality is so the internet is staying open, free, and prevent it from becoming monopolized. If we did not have the FCC regulations, we would see cable companies and other Internet Service Providers (ISPs) controlling how the internet flows, where it goes and how fast it gets there. The people have spoken online, with over “3.7 million comments” and complaints to the FCC back in late 2014/early 2015, stating issues with ISPs and agreeing with Net Neutrality Regulations (Hu). Classifying the internet as a utility will connect more people to the internet and move us further into the 21st

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