Net Neutrality Essay

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The term ‘Net Neutrality’ refers to the notion that Internet Service Providers (ISPs) are expected to adhere to insofar as to consider all data on the internet at par, regardless of its nature, origin or the intent behind the creation of said data. This entails that ISPs cannot restrict access to any data by direct or indirect means, on any grounds to the disadvantage of any interested party, while ensuring fair and free internet to all. ‘Net Neutrality’ presently assumes relevance due to the report promulgated by the Department of Telecom (DoT) which seemingly takes a stance to the prejudice of the users.
This project aims to explore and criticize the report of the DoT considering reports by Indian Media, vis-à-vis the legality …show more content…

This was accentuated when public furore arose in response to Airtel’s Zero scheme and recently launched by Facebook, eliciting a quick response from the government. Net neutrality received spurts of wide coverage from media houses which in turn, fuelled the public opinion for the movement. The DoT report on net neutrality too received adequate coverage. Unfortunately, several of the dailies that the researcher reviewed, employed a unidimensional approach to review the same, which was evident in newspapers such as the ‘Times of India’ and ‘Indian Express’ which approached the topic solely from the view-point of public grievances and with an aim to increase public awareness , without weighing the costs of the ISPs and preventing a complete picture from being painted. The editorial section of ‘The Hindu’ however, covered net neutrality from the viewpoint of all stakeholders and sufficiently justified the predicament of the masses. Newspapers covered the campaign against net neutrality on social media as well and kept tabs on public sentiment over the course of this issue. The speculative journalism on the matter however was not found to be

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