Negotiating Differences Into A Canadian Interracial Relationship By Bina Mehta And Kevin Spooner

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For my Identity Essay I read Negotiating Differences Glimpses into a Canadian Interracial Relationship by Bina Mehta and Kevin Spooner. The chapter talks about their relationships and some of the conflicts they faced as an interracial couple.
The chapter I read opened my eyes to Culture and Conflict. The story discussed conflict between Bina and Kevin, and their relationship with Binas parents. Binas parents were unimpressed that Bina decided to marry a man from a different culture, which is an untraditional act. This caused conflict between Bina and Kevin’s relationship. Kevin promised Bina that he would try and practice a more Indian lifestyle, but over time these promises started to fail. This put tension on their relationship and often made Bina feel self-conscious about her relationship. In the end Bina came to realize she could practice still practice her culture, Kevin’s family’s culture and their new Canadian culture.
I can relate to some of the stories even though I have a different background. Growing up I have had a privileged life as a white Canadian. I have never had to face the challenging of my culture changing like Binas did. Although I never had to face this struggle my great grandparents did. My great grandparents came to Canada in the 1950’s along with my grandma at the age of 3. Until now I never really …show more content…

When asking some of my friends why they would often say that their families all still spoke their native language or that they lived in a community which a lot of people still spoke the language as well. This is why it’s hard to describe a Canadian identity. We are a very diverse country that celebrates differences. I don’t think there is one Canadian Identity, I think everyone has their own that is influenced by the many different cultural identities that we celebrate in

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