Negatives Of Locavore

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Wandering through a local farmer’s market, people purchase the freshest food: succulent tomatoes, juicy oranges, and tasty corn. Loud children bicker amongst themselves, aggravated teenagers follow their families, and jovial adults celebrate their discounted purchases. Many Americans are attracted to the market, and are accepting of the locavore ways. Locavores are those who only consume locally grown or produced products. The locavore movement is beneficial because it inclines people to become more fit and healthy. Presently, locavores are emerging to impact individuals to take a step towards better nutrition, a better environment, and a better economy. However, people are not fully aware of the harmful consequences of this movement.
For people to “buy a [herculean] mistake. By focusing on begging factors in food production...water availability, packaging waste, and fertilizer application,” (Source C). Because the farmers try to supply the best food to attract more customers, they may add extra, artificial liquids or fertilizers into the crops to grow hundreds of crops to provide for the growing numbers of locavores. This act hurts the environment and locavores, who think they are obtaining the finest foods. The locavore movement does not allow the majority of Americans to participate with the movement because “80 percent of us live in large, densely populated urban areas, usually on the coast, and typically hundreds of miles, often thousands of miles, from the major centers of food productions” (Source F). The unavailability of local farms impacts Americans to buy food at supermarkets because, unlike a local farm, supermarkets are available to most Americans. People do not know whether local could mean supermarkets because supermarkets are local. A comic displays a penguin who was told to join the locavore movement by his bunny friend, but the bunny was astonished when the penguin returns shortly; the bunny asks why the penguin was able to bring exotic foods quickly, and the penguin replys the supermarket is only a mile away (Source G). With the misconception of the idea of the locavore movement, people are discouraged to join other locavores.

Locavores are the new trend, but locavores are not the popular diet choice with many American families. However, the locavore movement does benefit the nutrition, the environment, and the economy. Because the many disadvantages that outweigh the few benefits, switching to be a locavore is not worth the

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