Negative Effects Of Euthanasia

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Euthanasia refers to the process that brings an easy and painless death to individuals suffering from a severe incurable or painful condition, therefore, euthanasia can be either active or passive. Active euthanasia, is when a physician administers a lethal dose that helps the patient die peacefully whereas, Passive euthanasia is withdrawing or withholding medical treatment to a patient to allow the process of death to occur naturally. This implies that do not resuscitate orders is a passive form of euthanasia (McQuoid-Mason, 2013). However, do not resuscitate orders are made when a patient has an advanced directive (living will) of DNR, clinical judgement show that the CPR may be futile and it may not restart the heart of the patient and breathing, CPR having no benefit for the patient and lastly …show more content…

Patients always go for this advance measured when they realize that they have suffered enough and consider euthanasia or DNR as an extreme measure that could help reduce their suffering. This measure may affect decision making in the society because individuals may be making this kind of decisions when they are start thinking hopeless about life, when life should actually be about hope, for instance, patients flood Netherlands so that they may have euthanasia done on them. Therefore, these orders may influence suicides that may be deemed as lawful. Additionally, families remain to be guilty when such decisions are made because of their personal or religious beliefs about life. A patient who is clinically dead and still in a life support machinery may be very wary and costly to a family, it may drain their savings that have been accumulated over an extended period without a change in patient condition being witnessed. In some cases, patient relatives may end up getting depression or a psychotic disorder secondary to the death of their parent or child based on these

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