Negative Effects Of Bisphenol A

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What is BPA? According to WebMD:
BPA is a chemical that has been used to harden plastics for more than 40 years. It's everywhere. It's in medical devices, compact discs, dental sealants, water bottles, the lining of canned foods and drinks, and many other products.More than 90% of us have BPA in our bodies right now. We get most of it by eating foods that have been in containers made with BPA. It's also possible to pick up BPA through air, dust, and water.BPA was common in baby bottles, sippy cups, baby formula cans, and other products for babies and young children. Controversy changed that. Now, the six major companies that make baby bottles and cups for infants have stopped using BPA in the products they sell in the U.S. Many manufacturers of infant formula have stopped using BPA in their cans as well.
Some people may think that the chemical Bisphenol A (BPA) doesn’t have any harmful effects to their body after being exposed to the chemical, but Bisphenol A is very harmful to the hormones, brain, behavior and heart, and can also cause cancer.

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Studies have found that BPA can have adverse health effects at levels thousands of times lower than what the EPA considers safe. According to the low dose hypothesis, small and repeated exposures to bisphenol A can have an amplified effect on the human body by mimicking human sex hormones, or promoting cell proliferation. Bisphenol A has been found to cause estrogenic changes in animal cells at the same concentrations that are found in pregnant women and their

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