Nattashastr Themes And Treatments Of Women In Natyasastra

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The Natyasastra which is defined as the Fifth Veda in ancient India contains various forms of discrimination and suppression of women. It describes various aspects of theatre along with the comments on sexual behavior of male and female characters. In these descriptions Bharatamuni tells widely about types of male and female as characters and their ways of interaction. Most of the characters, Rasa development, plot and other dramatic devises of Sanskrit plays follow Natyashastric recommendations and rules.

According to Natyasastra the main aim of the play is to give sentimental satisfaction to the audience and its medium is plot which has to be presented by actors and actresses.

Nayaka (the hero) and Nayika (the heroin) are the focal points in Natyasastra.
There are four kinds of Nayakas; Dhiralalit (mostly will be king), Dhiraprashant (will be Brahmin), Dhirodatta (Kshatriya, this is the hero of 1st rupaka- Nataka) and Dhiroddhata (mostly will be Kshatriya) have been described in this treatise.
These kinds are divided again into some other kinds, according to their characteristics and age.

Nayikas have been …show more content…

These have been mentioned as ways to making women agree for sexual intercourse. For that situation, if women disagree or disobey of physical intercourse Natyasastra has given freedom to men to synchronize women’s sexual sphere and advised men to use power (both, physical and economic) and violence. By this way Natyasastra provides Saam, Pradan, Bheda and Danda as a legal and valid medium as those described in Kamasutra and Manusmriti. It is recommended in the chapter V-164, VVI-371 of Manusmriti that, the woman who does not obey the men or not keeping Patni Dharm (wife’s duty) should be beaten, award with other punishments or can be thrown away in front of

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