Native American Tobacco Research Paper

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Tobacco is an american crop that is in the same family as the potato. It is said that tobacco began growing in the Americas around 6,000 B.C.E. and was used by native Americans as early as 1 B.C.E.! Tobacco was not commonly chewed, and not even smoked. For religious reasons it was burned and was danced around. The Native Americans believed it to be a gift from their creator. They also believed that tobacco had healing attributes, capable of healing anything, in addition to being a pain killer. It was very popular in remedying various ailments. The Native Americans were a people who praised tobacco not only of religious but also medical reasons. They also passed this on to the England pioneers looking for the journey into their lands. The Native Americans gladly gave them presents of this kind. …show more content…

The thing we do capitalize on is what the Indians gave them as gifts. They were dried tobacco leaves. Now, these things were appraised by Native Americans because it was apparently a “fantastic remedy”, one that, according to a Spanish doctor in this time named Nicolas Monardes, healed 36 major health problems. The tobacco plant was quickly brought back to the Eurpoeans for a time, like an English author named Thomas Harriet, not only believed so strongly that they promoted daily consumption, but also endorsed the fact that smoking was the best way to get the daily dosage. (Not to mention he died of nose cancer, seeing as a trend in usage was to release the smoke from the

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