V. G's Capacity May Be Bound To The Settlement? Why Or Why Not?

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D.V.G. (a minor) was injured in a one-car auto accident in Hoover, Alabama. The vehicle was covered by an insurance policy issued by Nationwide Mutual Insurance Co. Stan Brobston, D.V.G.’s attorney, accepted Nationwide’s offer of $50,000 on D.V.G.’s behalf. Before the settlement could be submitted to an Alabama state court for approval, D.V.G. died from injuries received in a second, unrelated auto accident. Nationwide argued that it was not bound to the settlement because a minor lacks the capacity to contract and so cannot enter into a binding settlement without court approval. Should Nationwide be bound to the settlement? Why or why not? (Cross 218) Issue “Is there evidence that prove D.V.G.’s capacity may be lacking or questionable?”

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