After obtaining my driver's license at the age of eighteen, I quickly began to believe that I was the reincarnate of Dale Earnhardt. No matter where I was driving to or for what reason, speeding was always a part of the equation. Young and uninformed of the risks associated with my reckless driving habits, I had convinced myself that I was not only invincible, but above the law as well. After receiving a speeding ticket and other traffic citations as the result of an accident, I was forced to re-evaluate my belief that I had no obligation to follow the law and in turn the notion of my invincibility. After much reflection and and soul searching, I came to the conclusion that life, like driving, is a gift that is very fragile and should not be regarded as irresponsibly as I had been treating it by driving so recklessly. After the incident, I began doing some research on teenage car accidents at the advice of the officer who had responded to the scene. What I read about and learned was frightening. In 2008 over three thousand teen deaths occurred, either as a passenger or driver in a ...
A recent local car wreck happened on Interstate 59. There was a 2004 Honda Accord and a 2007 Altima. The people in the Honda Accord was Juan Pablo Roncallo (driver) and Logan G. Yates (passenger) both eighteen year olds and in the Altima was a twenty year old female. The Honda’s front left tire had a blowout, Juan Pablo was slow getting off the road, he got rammed from behind by the Altima because the driver was texting while driving. Once the impact...
More than one third of driver fatalities involve speeding as shown by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Of the young male drivers between the ages of fifteen and twenty years old who were involved in car accidents in 2012, thirty seven percent were speeding. In 2011, speeding was present in fifty two percent of fatal car accidents with a teenager behind the wheel, which is almost the same percentage as in 2008 showing that the issue of speeding has not been improving. In addition, of the crashes due to error by young drivers twenty one percent of serious accidents were due to driving faster than what was safe for the road conditions. The biggest risk that is easily forgotten is that speeding increases the stopping distance required to prevent an accident. At the ages between sixteen and nineteen thirty eight percent of males and twenty four percent of female teenagers are involved in crashes resulting from high speeds. A total of two thousand eight hundred and twenty three teenagers ages thirteen through nineteen were killed in car crashes in 2012, this is sixty eight percent less than in 1975 and seven percent less than 2011. Though the numbers have decreased, they are still there; furthermore they are not just numbers as is easily forgotten, these numbers represent more than a statistic, they represent a life. To further drive the point that beyond the numbers are lives, here are a couple stories about the life of someone killed in a car accident due to excessive
The dangers of the automobile are far more significant than you may believe, and you could be the one involved in making statistic numbers increase. When you are putting an undeveloped brain behind the wheel, they could leave your life at any moment of any day. Although they aren’t alone, teenage drivers are the most significant risk of automobile accidents for three key reasons. They are more likely to take risks, they lack driving experience, and the path to getting their driver’s license lacks any actual difficulty.
Introduction: Many teenagers get their permits and licenses between the ages of 16-18. However, those teenagers who get their permit or get their license don’t fully understand the risks of driving. In 2010, there was an estimated amount of 5,419,000 car accidents. Many accidents involved a driver influenced by alcohol and/or narcotics. Some accidents occurred do to people not paying attention to the road and others were because of bad weather or they lost control over the motorized vehicle.
A paradox is promptly created. These “invincible” teens create danger at intersections; they face ramifications that attentive drivers will never have to face; they are what necessitates safety
As a matter of fact, teen car accidents are the primary cause of death for teenagers. However, it was found that the accidents significantly decline
It is no secret that teenagers, on average, are terrible drivers. A recent article by, The NewsWheel, explains why they believe that the minimum driving age should be changed. Though thousands of teens are killed every year due to car accidents, and many thousand more are injured, many people fear the repercussions of changing the driving age. In the same way citizens wonder how effective changing the minimum age will be at preventing future car crashes.
According to the article “Traffic safety Facts”Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for 15-20 year olds.This shows that 2,739 15 through 20 year olds were killed because of driving unexperienced.Many teens get distracted on the roads causing them to crash . This is important because a nation wide study shows that tougher licensing laws for teenage drivers have reduced deadly accidents.
Contrary to what people may believe, adolescents are capable of being behind the wheel despite their negative driving reputation. Society should not punish the masses based on one individual’s actions. Doing so presents an unfair scenario for responsible teens who have the ability to drive safely. All evidence regarding this issue concludes that raising the minimum driving age would be ineffective in preventing teen car accidents.
It's a tragic truth, but car collisions are the main source of death among teens. A 16 year old is twice as liable to pass on in a car crash than a 30 year old(Rogers). What's more, with new issues, for example, using a phone while driving, messaging while driving, and different types of occupied driving, there is a justifiable reason to face off regarding this issue. All 50 states prohibit 16-year-olds from drinking alcohol, buying
Most Americans over the age of sixteen have a license and drive a car. The problem being not everyone can handle their car in an elegant manor, most teenagers on the road do not have much experience on driving, especially in a stressful situation like trying to merge onto a busy roadway. The goal of this paper is to entice new drivers on practicing safe driving tactics, by providing numerous written reports, peer reviews, and articles establishing the fact that teens are not simply prepared to drive. Teens have been proven to get into more crashes than someone who is thirty or older. Since new innovations and technological advances
When people are killed in car crashes due to drunk driving not only are they affected, but their families are affected as well. “Every 53 minutes on average, someone is killed in a drunk driving crash” (MADD). About 33% of crashes, arrests, and injuries happen to teens who have experienced drunk driving. Children
Every morning a man leaves his house for work but on one fateful day, he ends up in the hospital due to a teen driver. The man gets ready for work as he does every day, but on this particular day he ends up in the hospital in critical condition. One of the greatest risk for any driver out there is driving near a distracted driver and couple that with being a teenager can lead to disaster. Therefore, increasing the driving age to twenty-one versus sixteen may help alleviate some of the most devastating car accidents faced with a teenager.
Within this when a teenager gets behind the wheel, all kinds of school related stress, work, family issues, and other friends follow them while they drive. This can cause accidents or problems with their vehicle because they are not experienced enough with those kinds of situations. A teen has many things on their mind and they focus on their phone, the radio, or their passengers. Research from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the CDC, shows that nearly 2,650 U.S. teens between the ages of sixteen and nineteen died as a result of motor vehicle crashes in 2011. About 292,000 more teenagers were treated for injuries sustained in motor vehicle accidents that same year. These 2011 rates showed that males were nearly two times more likely than females to die in a motor accident (Salem Press Encyclopedia). Tesla has been making cars that are safe and effective and are tesla is saying that is has become complicated by lingering fears over the safety of autonomous vehicles as the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration investigation a fatal tesla crash that took place in may (Fast Company 31). In other people’s views, they chose to keep it the same or make the rules less strict. Some say teens are stressed too much with other things, and they are stressed too much that is why these rules need to be applied and better enforced. Teens need to focus
My Dad’s little british-racing-green MGA is apart of my favorite memories and apart of my most memorable failures. His car has been a part of my life since the day I was born. My earliest memories are of countless hours with my Dad driving merely for the fun of the wind in our hair. This car, the car he purchased after his high school graduation, brought me more experiences than I’ve ever thought I’d have.