National Organization For Women Essay

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The National Organization for Women, better known as NOW was founded June 30, 1966 in Washington D.C. at the Third National Conference of Commissions on the Status of Women. In 1965 the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)was formed to implement Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the EEOC decided in September 1965 that sex segregation was permissible despite protests of some of the commissioners. At the Third National Conference of Commissions on the Status of Women many wanted to pass a resolution to demand that EEOC carry out the legal mandates of Title VII and end sex discrimination in employment. They were informed that they had no authority to pass any resolution, but they were determined to take action. At the …show more content…

Constitution that will guarantee equal rights for women; achieving economic equality for women; championing abortion rights, reproductive freedom and other women’s health issues; supporting civil rights for all and opposing racism; opposing bigotry against lesbians and gays; and ending violence against women. NOW has many issues at their forefront. NOW fully supports the access to safe and legal abortions, effective birth control, emergency contraception, and reproductive health services and education for all women. NOW strives towards ending violence against women. They realize that there are many interrelated aspects to the issue, all of which result from society’s attitudes towards women and efforts to keep women in their place. Now works towards welfare reform, wages that people are able to adequately live off of, and equality in both pay and job opportunities. NOW is also an advocate of LGBT rights. They feel that through education and positive images in today’s media that they can obtain equal rights for all people. NOW started as a leader in the struggle for civil rights and continues that today by fighting for equal rights for African American women. One of NOW’s top priorities is securing a constitutional guarantee for the equality of all

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