National Labor Relations Act

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Preventative measures were established by Senator Robert F. Wagnerin who submitted a bill before Congress in 1933. The purpose of the bill was to eradicate unfair labor practices. Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins provided his full support for the bill. The bill was first known as the Wagner Act. It later became known as the National Labor Relations Act. Significant power was extended to the government to arbitrate in labor relations. The National Labor Relations Act significantly affected the federal government and private enterprise relationship. The NLRA was enacted by Congress on July 5, 1935. Prior to the law employers utilized the right to fire union workers. Large amounts of workers started to organize around the 1930s. a great wave …show more content…

Employees should file charges with the nearest NLRB regional office. Unfair labor practices are rendered a decision by the Board after the investigation is completed. The Board decisions are voluntarily fulfilled. The U.S. Courts of Appeals provides enforcement for organizations that are non-compliant. The federal court reviews the claims of parties who received an unfavorable decision.
Facebook and Twitter work-related conversations are under the provisions of the National Labor Relations Act. Employers are prohibited by the Act from restricting employee use of social media by excessive polices. Employees cannot be terminated disciplined for conducted on social media. The National Labor Relations Board received several charges in the year of 2010 regarding federal law violations which occurred as a result of Facebook postings. Complaints were issued to employers prior to an investigation which was conducted by NLRB. However there was no protection which covered the communications therefore no violation was committed. Several Board decision became more prevalent during the year of 2012. Which established precedence in regards to the

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