The Fair Labor Standards Act

1760 Words4 Pages

The Fair Labor Standards Act

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) was passed by Congress on June 25th,

1938. The main objective of the act was to eliminate “labor

conditions detrimental to the maintenance of the minimum standards of

living necessary for health, efficiency and well-being of workers,”[1]

who engaged directly or indirectly in interstate commerce, including

those involved in production of goods bound for such commerce.

A major provision of the act established a maximum work week and

minimum wage. Initially, the minimum wage was $0.25 per hour, along

with a maximum workweek of 44 hours for the first year, 42 for the

second year and 40 thereafter. Minimum wages of $0.25 per hour were

established for the first year, $0.30 for the second year, and $0.40

over a period of the next six years.

Other provisions set standards for overtime compensation and banned

products of child labor from interstate commerce. A Wage and Hour

Division (WHD) was also created by the Department of Labor. The

purpose of this division was to accelerate the raising standards

within an industry if, a committee recommended change.

The Fair Labor Standards Act has been amended repeatedly in subsequent

decades, with changes expanding the classes of workers covered,

raising the minimum wage, redefining regular-time work, raising

overtime payments to encourage the hiring of new workers, and

equalizing pay scales for men and women.

FLSA Regulations and Non-Regulations

While the FLSA does set basic minimum wage, overtime pay standards,

and regulates the employment of minors, there are a number of

employment practices which FLSA does not r...

... middle of paper ...

... 9. Fair Labor Standards Act,, 6/11/04

10. Senate passes important tax bill with overtime amendments attached

by Bill Leonard, Society for Human Resources Management,,


11. DOL issues proposal for changing overtime exemption requirements,

by Staff reports, Society for Human Resource Management,,


12. What does the Fair Labor Standards Act not Require?, by elaws,, 6/11/04

13. Handy Reference Guide to the Fair Labor Standards Act, by US

Department of Labor, revised 10/96,,

pages 1-10.

14. Fair Labor Standards Act,, 6/11/04


[1] Fair Labor Standards Act;, June 11, 2004.

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