National Debt Essay

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In the United States the national debt is currently a huge issue in the economy today. The national debt is currently sitting at approximately 21 trillion dollars and there seems to be no ending that debt anytime soon. As a matter of fact we are actually facing into more and more debt by the day. If we don’t find a way to solve this problem soon it will only get worse and the effects of having such an amount of debt will only get worse. Obviously attacking a problem as big as the national debt will not be easy, but we need to take small steps first. One of the easier and more obvious ways on how to attack the debt is to cut down government spending on stuff that does not need it. However there will be more complicated steps that we may need …show more content…

The national debt is also bad because it will be a burden to future generations. One of the ways that the national debt will cause a burden to future generations is through high spending debt directly through lower personal incomes and fewer opportunities for job advancements. Not only would this lower personal income, such a high debt would also cause inflation. This would be terrible for future generations to not only have lower income, but also have to deal with inflation. This would be bad for the economy in the future because this would cut the amount of money flowing through the economy to a minimum. People would not be spending money on stuff they don’t necessarily need if they have less money to spend on inflated …show more content…

Instead we will have to approach this problem and take it step by step. One of the first steps that must be taken is budget cutting. The U.S. needs to try to cut back on spending on areas that do not need as many funds as what we supply them with. Areas such as studying online dating, the U.S. Government actually open $$239,100 to pay a professor at Stanford University to do research about online dating. This is an example of an easy way to save over two hundred thousand dollars. This was something were there was no need for, yet we still wasted money on

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