Narrative Essay About A Field Trip

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I was so ecstatic to go on this field trip and so was everyone else. Of course I knew why, everyone loves field trips. Everyone that had seen the one man show reported that it was impeccable performance. Furthermore, I was adrenalized because I didn’t have to do any work. Before the show, all I thought was that it would be a normal bus ride. One that would be loud, but everyone minded their own business. I step onto the bus getting shoved by the people behind me. I race to the back of the large, bright yellow school bus with my friends, Sia and Faith, they sit in the larger back seat and I sit in the smaller one. Sia is a tall girl, not super skinny but definitely not fat. She wore her black leggings that she wore just about everyday. Her …show more content…

One of the only open seats left was next to the boy that was mean to Sia. Consequently, the boy asked if he could sit there and starts to sit down. I look after hearing his voice, then the mean boy shoves the kid! I was in complete shock! Thoughts were racing through my head I look at the mean boy, “Why did you do that!” He looked so confused so I demanded an answer again slower this time. I filled with a lot more anger, “why in the world would you shove that kid!?” “What do you mean’” he asked, “It was just a joke.” By the look on his face he seemed serious. He didn’t understand that shoving someone was completely wrong. He seemed so condescending like he was the only person in the whole universe that matters! He bogas innocents infuriates me! “What do you mean?” I remarked, “Shoving someone is never a joke. Jokes are funny not cruel!” My eyes light up like lightning bolts, sparking at him. All I thought was, is he was actually being that incompetent, I was infuriated, enraged even. “Woah it’s fine, Maggie he’s my friend, Right” He remarked as his eyes bounced from me to the boy who got shoved. By the look on his face they were definitely not friends. “Chill out Maggie” he uttered. Right when he told me to chill out it made me so much less

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