Napoleon In Animal Farm Essay

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Napoleon (along with Snowball) becomes the leader following Old Major’s death and considers himself a part of a natural race of farmyard leader because he is a pig as Major was. He commands the revolution against Mr. Jones and the human race. After this “battle of cow-shed” Napoleon emerges as a corrupt opportunist because he because takes advantage of any situation in order to gain power, without considering whether his actions are right or wrong. He never makes a single contribution to the revolution and commands almost brainwashing other animals to become his own private army.

Napoleon’s role in terms of authority is most directly modelled on the Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin, Napoleon represents, the political tyrants that have emerged throughout history that misuse their authority. Napoleon himself becomes more and more of a tyrant and a dictator, dominating the animals on the farm by force and managing their thoughts by every means necessary through the utilisation of clever language and straightforward slogans. This use of his intelligent language is employed to control and conceal the reality. At the end of the novel this absolute totalitarian power of Napoleon and his followers is mirrored in the modification of words within the commandment “All animals are equal but some are more equal than others” which removes any belief in the original principles of animalism.

In the behaviour of Napoleon and Squealer, the reader can observe the lying and bullying techniques exerted by them. Napoleon takes old Major’s idealistic concepts and twists them into his self-seeking tyranny. The other animals live in fear and obey. The power becomes overwhelming and Napoleon’s rule becomes a progressive method for himself to stay in power a...

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...of the two when it involves authority, political tyrants and human behaviour. “The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again: it was impossible to say which was which.” This example of how human nature is exercised by authority figures is emphasised totally throughout the novel.

Through the employment of crafty allegory and political satire, George Orwell has created the character Napoleon as a illustration of not only Joseph Stalin of the Russian Revolution but the political tyrants through human history and the way those figures misuse authority. Reading this novel and finishing this analysis has given me a deeper understanding of the novel and also the true story behind it.
Animal farm is a fairy, it is an allegory of human behaviour, it has all the power of a myth and it is a political satire on totalitarianism. “

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