Animal Farm By George Orwell: The Real Villain

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The story of Animal Farm is not just one of a bunch of farm animals getting along and enjoying each other. Rather, the tale gives us insight into who is the real villain during the Russian Revolution, as the farm animals represent certain groups George Orwell, in Animal Farm, reveals the villain as a good character in the beginning of the novel, but as we get deeper into the story we figure out that the good animal has been the greedy, self-centered, and cruel villain the whole time. Orwell exposes the injustices that occurred under the rule of Joseph Stalin, through the act of Napoleon becoming a dictator who is lying to the animals and switching the rules for the farm.
Napoleon wanted to be the ruler of the farm so that the farm animals would no longer have to live under Mr. Jones conditions who is an allegory for the Russian Tsar. Mr. Jones was a human and he wouldn't treat the animals well, he was always drunk and was constantly forgetting to feed the farm animals. Napoleon was sure enough that the farm would be better off under his reign “Surely comrades you don't want Jones back” (pg. 29). He convinced the animals into thinking he wouldn't rule the …show more content…

Which makes him one of the villains in this novel with Squealer by his side who is an allegory to the Soviet Press, who Stalin would control. The rest of the farm animals would believe everything and anything that Napoleon would tell them. He favored the pigs the most, he gave them privileges such as getting to sleep in beds, eating all their supply of food, and not having to work which that the rest of the animals could never have. He convinced the other animals into thinking that the privileges he gave the pigs was to make things better for the farm. “Many of us actually dislike milk and apples...We pigs are brainworkers” (pg. 14). He let the pigs do what they wanted the same way, Stalin led the Soviet Press when he was the

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