Nanotechnology Informative Essay

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Topic: Nanotechnology
Specific purpose: To inform my audience on what is nanotechnology and how advantageous it can/has be (en) for us in the near future.
Thesis Statement: I would like to inform you on what nanotechnology is, what it has done/can (do) for us in the long run, and an example or a new discovery in nanotechnology to help you get a better understanding of what it is.
I. Has anyone ever read the Ironman Comics?
II. In the extremis comics , Tony Stark injects himself with what it has been told to be nanotechnology; he injects it into his bloodstream so that he could control the suits that he uses later on , by a mere movement of his body. Cool isn’t it? The possibilities are endless…
III. Technology has come so far in our modern world, from the creation of a stone axe to the discovery of fire and now nanotechnology.
IV. Today I would like to inform you on what it is, what it has done/can (do) for us in the long run, and an example or a new discovery in nanotechnology to help you get a better understanding of what it is.
Transition: So what does nanotechnology mean in our current world?
I. According to the (National Nanotechnology Coordination Office) nanotechnology “is science, engineering, and technology conducted at the Nano scale, which is about 1 to 100 nanometers.”
A. A Nanometer is a billionth of a meter, a sheet of paper is about 100,000 nanometers thick.
B. According to (Google Books Ngram viewer) Nanotechnology did not become a used term until the late 1940’s even then it wasn’t widely used.
1. Richard Feynman was the first professor known to do a lecture about nanotechnology
a) In Feynman’s Biography on ( it has been shown that he was appointed Professor of Theoretical Phy...

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...graphite – eventually leading to a single layer of carbon.”
B. Graphene is an interesting substance because,
1. As specified by Anthony King graphene “could be used to create products that are lighter, more robust, transparent, flexible and stretchable.” Like:
a) Touch screen flexible monitors.
b) Better solar panels.
c) Use in hygiene products as discussed in ( because of its effectiveness in “killing E Coli bacteria”.
Transition: Nanotechnology has come a long way and will continue to prosper.
I. Just like it has aided Tony stark in combating the evilness in the comic book world.
A. Nanotechnology can help us in that way too and more.
1. It is simply about seeing our world in Nano scale and seeing how it benefited us and how it will benefit us in the upcoming years just like graphene has and how it will continue to do in the years to come.

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