Myrtle Beach High School Observation

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The follow essay I’ll conduct a report from my observational hours at my old high school. In which I had the pleasure of meeting some intriguing students who taught me a lot. I also made a connection with a young man because he reminded me a lot of myself at the age of seventeen.
During my observational study I completed at Myrtle Beach high school I had the luxury of spending time with a young man that had a disability. The young man name was Chris he’s a 17th year old junior and he transferred from Georgia and he was a first year student of Myrtle Beach high school. While completing 30 hours of my observational study I collected notes on the studies to assist me on Chris strengths and weakness academically. Chris strength was defiantly math …show more content…

By providing those extra time it could make the difference between a student making a failing or passing grade. Modifications is also important element because it effects what a person learns. In the current technology area we live in allowing a student to use a laptop, or iPad during lectures or any note taking activates. During my observational study I was blowing away that my old high school now allowed students there are numerous helpful accommodations & modifications that make away for students to achieve success. There are four types of accommodations which include presentation, response, setting, and timing/scheduling which are all conflicts. Common accommodations that teachers can provide to students would access to iPad they even supplied laptops for each student for educational purpose considering we weren’t able to have cellphones out just 6 years ago. Another modification that students faced with disabilities such as ADHD would be to shorten assignments and minutes is beneficial to the student. lectures. This disability makes it hard for a student to concentrate or sit still so cutting class 5 to 10 minutes. If I had to do all over again I would defiantly change my approach the very second day. During the middle of that school day there was a class dispute between a student and the instructor which was intense. The young student curse out teacher I got in the middle of the …show more content…

Both make up the interchange activities that can occur within a school year and as a licenses instructor you’re expected to perform and rise up to the challenges. Even as it applies to a special education classroom there are still accommodations/modifications that have to be illustrated but it differs from a regular education classroom. When dealing with students that have disability it’s in a teachers best interest to make accommodations regular to make students feel comfortable. For example a student with ADHD who loss focus easily and constantly has to move I would make it a habit to give this particular student breaks in intervals to stretch, take water breaks, and move around this will dissolve on trouble before it occurs. Modifications that occur when dealing with special education would Repeated Reading use a variety of repeated reading activities to improve reading skills. The student Chris from my observational study this would be a great modification for him. He would improve his reading technique by applying the repeated reading activity. As stated there are various accommodations/ modifications related services also ties into this also. “Related services means transportation and such developmental, corrective, and other supportive services as are required to assist a child with a disability to benefit from special education” (CFPIH, 2016). An

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