My idol in my life

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Prophet Muhammad S.A.W have said “Constantinople would fall into the hands of Islam. Leaders who conquer it, is the best of leaders and the troops under his command is the best of troops.” (Narrated by Ahmad bin Hanbal).The first warrior of Muslim has success to conquering Constantinople the great city. Who is the person? I’ll tell you. He is Sultan Muhammad Al-Fateh. Today I am going to talk about “ The conquer of Constantinople”, The greatness of “ The conquer of Constantinople” and Last but not list what we can learn from this story.

Okay , let’s we explore about the conquer of Constantinople by first looking at history his life.

The conquer of Constantinople is Sultan Muhammad Al – Fateh and in the west he was known as “Al Fateh” The Conqueror” for his successful of conquer the Constantinople .He is known in the West as Mehmed the Conqueror. He was born 30 Mac 1432 at Adrianapolis border Turkey-Bulgaria. However, His life story actually began 800 year before he born. He is son of Sultan Murad II, the seventh Ottoman Sultan. His mother was Huma Hatun, a princess descended from the Christians which is Abdullah daughter of Hum. As a child, Muhammad Al Fatih was spoiled and lazy. But Muhammad he began seriously studied after his was teach by teachers such as Sheikh Ahmad ibn Ismail al-Kurani, Sheikh Syamsudin, and others. From them, Muhammad Al Fateh studied religion, language, skills, physical geography, astronomy, and history. Muhammad Al Fateh was an expert at war and smart riding, an expert in the field of science and mathematics, and Knew 7 languages which is Turkish, Arabic, Greek, Latin, Persian, Hebrew and Serbia since the age of 21. Muhammad Al-Fatih was intelligent young man who had the afford to reach his g...

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...y. Islam itself is a great religion. The teachings and everything else should be applied by all. I can say people now is people tend to forget history. It should not be that way. Let’s remember him as someone great and I am delighted if we could take him as a idol in your life.

Works Cited

Athirah Shariff. (2012, December 26). Biodata sultan muhammad al fatih. Retrieved February 8, 2014, from

Shoutul Humaira'. (2014, January 8). Sultan Muhammad Al Fateh 1453. Retrieved January 30, 2014, from

Asih Juwariyah. (2012, September 12). Muhammad alfFatih, the conqueror of constantinople. Retrieved February 8, 2014, from

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