The Spread Of Islam In Arabia Peninsula

772 Words2 Pages

Marzia Saramad
Miss Kristin H artman
Miss Joanne Bretzer
History Researches
What factors allowed the spread of Islam in Arabia Peninsula in past classical period?
Arabian Peninsula and Prophet Muhammad are two names which are inseparably linked. When we hear one, we will remember other .Muhammad was born in the Arabian Peninsula and grew up there and saw many difficulties there. He lost her father before ever seeing him then he lost his mother when he was about six and after that he lost his grandfather when he was a young child. After that his uncle Abu Talib was responsible for taking care of him. Because he Abu Talib was poor, Muhammad had to be a shepherd in the dry and burning deserts of Arabia. After he rose to prophet hood at age forty, he changed many things in the Arabia. Before Islam the situation of Arabians weren’t good. People lived in many tribes. The relations between tribes weren’t good. They had many wars and conflict. The situation for women was appalling and female infanticide was common. Women didn’t have any right to decide or do something and societies were patriarchal. Slavery and serfdom also were common. When Muhammad rose as prophet he changed many things. He removed slavery and serfdom, united the tribes and raised the status of women. He spread Islam in Arabia peninsula and other many places. The most important things that allowed the spread of Islam were unique teaching, religious law, trade (route), battle and conquests that happened at the time of Muhammad and after him (Hitti, Phillip K “The Arabs: a short history “Gateway Editions 1970 P30).
One attribute of Islam was unique teaching that attracted many people from many places. In some observations the Islam was the religion e Islam t...

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... of Mecca. In many wars and Conquest the Muslims were the victorious. These victors showed the power of Muslim to the other tribes and they accepted the Islam. Like these the Islam spread the area of for more victories and made bigger area for themselves.

Work cited
¬-Albert Hourani “a history of the Arab peoples “Belknap Harvard University press 1991.
-Reported by Anas Bin Malik and recorded by Imam Bukhari and Muslim “ "Riyadh-Us-Saleheen"
-Hitti, Philip K” The Arabs: The short history” Gateway Washington D.C 1970.
- Uli Schamiloglu (July 2011-present) Amy Stambach (September 2008-May 2010) B. Venkat Mani (March 2008-August 2008; June 2010-June 2011)”inside Islam: dialogue and debates”

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