My Wedding Essay: To My Future Bride

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To my future bride,
Sweetheart, every day is an opportunity. It’s a marvelous, glorious opportunity to worship the God I love, we love, by counting you more significant than me. It’s an opportunity to bring Him glory and honor as we seek to walk hand in hand through life’s journey as He daily chisels us to conformity of Christlikeness. For that, I’m thankful. So as a result of all of my gratitude for God’s faithfulness, here are some things you need to know…
One, I can’t wait to behold you every day. I know, that might sound crazy, but hear me out. Makoto Fujimura, a renowned artist, writes, “It usually takes at least 10 minutes of sitting, quieting our hearts, and beholding the [art] work before our eyes start to see, and our brain stops to try to categorize. My friend and fellow artist …show more content…

If you stand over it, you are 'over-standing ' (bringing in your preconceptions and presuppositions) and not 'under-standing '." If you have been standing (or "under-standing") in front of my work, your eyes will see more than when you came into this house. Now, simply spend a little more time looking at the work, and observe what your eyes are seeing.” Sweetheart, I want to see you. You are God’s most precious, exquisite, and breath-taking masterpiece. I want to understand the depths of every brush stroke, every angle, every shape and color, every finite detail there is to know. I want to know what makes you, you. I want to know your heart, your desires, your fears, your hopes, your dreams, your passions, your experiences. I want to look upon

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