My Spiritual Journey Research Paper

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Where my road started to where I am now is full of dark valleys and steep hills. The Lord of grace and mercy has walked with me every step of the way and carried me for miles. He has brought men into my life who have strengthened me and brought His word to me like a two edged sword of truth to open my heart. In this season of my life, God has called me from the comfort, safety and predictability of my normal life and step out into the uncharted territories.
He has been teaching me to plow up the areas of hard soil in my life to prepare for the blessing of rain. I had started to pray, “Lord, where do I begin because I do not understand what this looks like.” Then God led me into His word through Pastor Jon Chasteen of Victory Church. His sermons …show more content…

It was the truth and revelation I needed to start this new journey in my life.
The hardened soil of my life can be broken down into three areas: spiritual life, family and community. I have not had the greatest spiritual relationship with God over the last couple of years. I gave up and let my circumstances harden my heart. I read my bible, prayed and went to church just because that is what a good Christian does. I was there for my family but I was not leading them spiritually, especially my wife. I faked growth and said all the right things to get through conversations/situations in my community.Since starting my journey and hearing the Word of
God spoken through those sermons, it has awakened new spiritual grow in all areas of my life.I feel more connected to God, my family and my community. God is revealing sin, habits, thoughts

that are holding me back from being all that he created me to be. There is fruit in my life that is evident to not just me but to those around me.
The uncharted territory God has called me step out in faith is school. I have done school online before and it did not go well.It got hard and my mind was not in the right mindset and

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