My Reason

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My Reason

The process of ending up where I did was a long one. I came to this town merely by chance, not knowing what to expect, or who I would meet. I didn’t have dreams of going to a cool mountain town, or a small city to attend college; I just fell into it not knowing where I would end up. I had good reasoning, coming from a small town, I had good expectations from my prior visits, and I fit into the college life making friends very easily. After months of searching, this is where I ended up.

I grew up in a tourist town at the foot of the Rocky Mountain National Park called Estes Park. It is a beautiful mountainous town with an elevation of six thousand feet. (Estes Park is very similar to Flagstaff.) It was a wonderful place to grow up, but by the time we moved from Estes Park, I was ready to go. The town had just grown to be too small for me. From there, at the age of fourteen, I moved down to a much bigger city called Fort Collins. This is where I lived and established a new life for the next five years ahead of me.

When my senior year came, and it was time to begin the process of sending in my applications for college, and I was not ready. I had absolutely no idea what I wanted to do with my life at that point. My mother would pressure me everyday to start looking into colleges (In-state and out), and applying to the ones I liked. My parents had told me of some pretty places they had traveled through in Connecticut, Arizona, Washington, and Colorado. Taking their word for it, I applied to a few. In December, I had finally made a decision. I wanted to go to school in California. San Diego State had become my school of choice. It had a beautiful campus, it wasn’t too big of a school, and it was very close to where my Father wanted to retire. I soon found out that I was too late. San Diego, and most California schools, had their application deadline back in November. So I had to start looking in a different direction.

My stepfather decided that he wanted to help out. I had been leaning towards Arizona State University or Northern Arizona University mainly because of my sister.

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