Persuasive Essay On The Road Not Taken

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Written by Robert Frost, “The Road Not Taken” is a poem that reflects on the choices we make every day. Whether it’s what type of ice cream we want to eat or what pair of shoes looks best, we are always making decisions. Sometimes, our heart desires one specific thing so the choice is not difficult. However, when it comes to your future, it may take hours, months, or years to come to the right decision. Regardless if it is big or small, there is a very specific goal we strive to achieve every day. Frost lived a life full of hardships that prevented him from obtaining certain goals. This poem takes us through the journey of Frost and how his choices led him to the individual he became. This poem not only relates to the life of the author, but also to society and people in general. We are granted the freedom of choice. Sadly in other countries, government and leaders control men, women, and children. Young women are sold into prostitution every day and not given the opportunity to leave. These innocent women are forced to sell their bodies against their own will. We are given a beautiful gift that others may not have.
This poem is so much more than a man choosing which path to go down; it is a time line of events and decisions that develop who Robert Frost was and what the world today represents. From these lines, you can see that Frost took the road that no one usually takes. The poem was written in 1915, so it is a recollection of Robert Frost’s younger years. For most of his life, Frost lived in Massachusetts. Frost became a farmer not long after marrying the love of his life. Unfortunately, his crops failed and he was unsuccessful. Robert Frost and his wife packed their bags and moved to Great Britain. “Two roads diverged in a...

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...he end of my senior year and decided to go out on a limb and apply to Georgia College. I chose this college based on friends, family, and my education. In life, there are many factors that can influence your decisions. I can relate to Frost because in his poem he seems to second guess himself and wonder what the other road would have brought him. Before attending Georgia College, I second-guessed myself and always wondered if my life would be different if I went to North Georgia. However, now that I have been attending Georgia College for a couple months, I know I was put here for a reason. The friendships, memories, and teachers that I have had are things I may have not had at North Georgia or another college. Coming to Georgia College was one of the best decisions I have made.
Robert Frost is one of the most respectable authors of his time. “The Road Not Taken”

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