My Personal Strategic Plan For Students

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While training John how to prepare applications, I noticed that he did not want to follow my directions. Instead, he wanted to figure it out on his own and learn from his mistakes. As our guest speaker, Kevin O’Connor would say “Hire for character and train for skills.” So, the question is, what if they are not who they say they are when we interview them and they are not trainable when we hire them? As much as I tried to help him, he would brush me off. This effected my work and the organization because we were not getting grant applications done on time.

In my personal strategic plan, my goal is become a manager. John’s long-term goal is also to become a manager. During a conversation that I had with John, he said to me “I should be in your position because I am older and I am married.” This shocked me because I did not know that me being in a higher-level position than he is would affect his work. About a month later, he asked me if I was going to search for a new job anytime soon because I studied Finance but I am not doing any financial work. At this moment, I became really fr...

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