My Life Lesson Learned The Hard Way

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An event in my life that taught me an important lesson was to not draw inappropriate things accordingly to the school policy. It was back in the third grade. The sun was so bright. The chirping birds in the tree. I figured it was time to wake up for school. Elementary it was. I do my usual thing, take a shower, brush my teeth, and dress up. While I was taking a shower, I reminisced the time my third grade teacher talked about the school policy. I ignored my cognizance and continued scrubbing my body. I got out of the shower, dried and dolled myself up.
I headed out to the kitchen to get breakfast that my mom cooked for me. Then, I noticed a blank sheet of paper. A naked, colorless, blank sheet of paper situated there on the kitchen table. Boy did I love to draw unusual things on blank pieces of scrap paper, so I thought. Luckily there was that snaggy old pencil of mine lying there, laying right where I needed it to be, by the paper. I quickly picked up the pencil and started to think. Again, my brain worked its way back in the past thinking of the school policy. Telling me what not to do, increased my ignorance to do the inevitable. How dare the school policy tell me what to do, “No threatening of school members or staff.”
I started drawing a gun. No, I started drawing a pistol. The exact pistol from the movies I watched called, “Terminator.” I then drew a bullet coming out of the pistol. This was called a projectile. Though I did make the bullet in a form called a parabola. A parabola is a projectile in motion in which it starts and ends in an arch shape, like a cannon and its cannonball being fired out from its barrel, which leaves a “parabolic path.” At the end of where the bullet was going to land, I...

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... pouncing on me. Now I am on thin ice. My teacher grabbed me by the arm and dragged me out of the door.
We headed down to the principal’s office. My heart was pounding. It felt like it was pumping more blood then it needed to pump. The time it took to reach the principal’s office felt like a million years. We were in the office and my teacher showed the picture to the principal. There it was; the inevitable. This was bound to happen. How did I not see this coming? Why did I just ignore my noggin? The principal said, “How ignorant! Three days of in-school-suspension.” My life was draining by the second. It felt as if I was thrown into a dark chamber filled with corpses. Now I realized to always listen to the authority. My life lesson learned: Take policies seriously. No matter what you say to get out of situations, policy always comes out first.

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