My Green Ribbon Party

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During the last year on the secondary school, usually in November, there is a very special party organized by the students, who are in the last grade, their parents and teachers. This party is called Green ribbon party, because the main event at the party is giving the students green ribbons, which are the symbol of hope and maturity. Although, all of the Green ribbon parties have a similar course, each of them is in some way exceptional. And our celebration of maturity was really unforgettable.

But organization of Green ribbon party was not as simple as we thought and there were many preparations connected with it. We had reserved a room in hotel Baronka, where our Green ribbon party took place almost year ago, otherwise it could be too late.

According to traditions, in the time of Green ribbon party students should send their friends and relatives special cards (maturity notices) to let them know, that they are going to finish their studies at the secondary school.

So at first we had to invite photographer, who made photos for our maturity notices. Then we had to design our maturity notice. As we were not able to agree on a one type, finally we had two types of maturity notice, so everybody could choose, which notice he wanted to send.

Another needed thing for festive events, such a Green ribbon party, is formal clothing. But the price of the robes is usually very high. I had decided to borrow some robe from a rental company, because I usually don't take part in celebrations like that, so it wouldn't be very worthwhile to buy such expensive robe only for one occasion. So two months before Green ribbon party I went with my mother to rental company to reserve some robe. Assortment of robes was great, so...

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...nner, because it was nearly 8.00 p.m. But many of my classmates didn't eat the dinner, because they were too nervous.

After the dinner we started preparing the scenes. The space after the dinner was filled up with selling tombolas tickets. Then began the 2nd part of the programme, our scenes, in which we replayed the funniest moments from our school years. I think, that the programme was really good and everybody liked it.

After the programme DJ switched his tower on and most of the teachers and parents moved to parquet. At the midnight began the tombola. Everyone, who had bought the ticket, had a chance to win funny prizes. And some of our teachers and parents won even twice!

At 1.00 a.m. the teachers and parents slowly fade away, but we were entertaining till 4.00 a.m. So our Green ribbon party was an exciting event, which I will never forget.

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