My Family Heritage

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From the first day I could understand the English language, I was told that family comes first. I believe that family, along with other things, should be an essential aspect of everyone’s life. Family has taught me many important values throughout my life. Such as, family will always have your back and support you in every situation. They will challenge and push you to do better, and without family I would not be the person I am today. Family has always and will always be an important part of my life. My family has been by my side through some of the hardest times of my life. When I was in seventh grade I had Osteomyelitis, a bone infection and nerve disorder in my right foot that caused a tremendous amount of pain. I had surgery to diagnose these conditions and had to be in the hospital for a week to control the amount of pain I was experiencing. While there, a majority of my family visited me bringing cards, flowers, balloons, …show more content…

One week after being discharged from the hospital I started intense physical therapy. For the first month of therapy, I had it three days a week for an hour each time. After each time, the pain was so excruciating that most days I cried the whole way home. My family pushed me to go back every time and try my hardest. They encouraged my motivation to be active by giving me suggestions like going skiing together, going to the Mall of America without having to use a wheelchair to get around, going on a vacation to Florida and so much more. On Thanksgiving they would not let me get food while using my crutches. I had to walk without any assistance which was painful but good for my health. I was very mad at my family for making me feel this pain, but after sitting down with my food I realized they were the ones pushing me to get better. The tough love you receive from your family will keep you on the right track in

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