My Cultural Identity Essay

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My mother was born in St. Lucia and moved to Queens, New York around the age of seven. Growing up she was not exposed to different cultures seeing that my grandparents were typical strict Caribbean parents who believed in the value of hard work all day and no play at all. In school my mom was not allowed to play the sports she found most interesting like cheerleading or volley ball. Every Caribbean child knows that they are either destined to play soccer or run track and nothing else, thus, my father being born and raised in Jamaica withstood the same challenges with his mother believed that children should focus on finding a career and the point of life was to figure out exactly what you wanted to do and only work toward that. He was not allowed to play sports or join any school organizations. So to no surprise when my parents had me they followed suit after their parents and raised me the same way. I am a part of the Caribbean culture that includes many different races and backgrounds this includes Jamaican, Cuban, Puerto Rico, Cayman Islands, etc. Coming from a Caribbean home means a lot of different things to everyone who is Caribbean. One integral …show more content…

It gives them a sense of pride in who they are and lets them show off their home. Growing up I had so many shirts, hats, blankets, and cups with either Jamaican or St. Lucian flag. I felt so much pride when I wore my cultures flag because I felt pride in myself and my people. Another important part of my Caribbean culture is humor. One of the most common jokes mad is about the “typical” Caribbean family which basically portrays the most sayings of the culture all in all our humor mirrors that of Satire is arguably the primary characteristic of Caribbean humor. A lot of my culture was built on comedy and hard work and because of that I am hardworking student who focusing mainly on my academics and I cherish

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