My Clinical Experience

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It was one of the hottest days in the summer last year. That's why I was not worried about being so thirsty early in the morning. On the other hand,my mother felt that there was something wrong with me going to the restroom back-and-forth constantly . My face was distracted and lifeless once my mother pointed out the issue with my bladder; I got scared for a second , and I felt something is not normal in my body. Remembering my body was so sluggish that day, I thought it could have been from the extra weight that I have recently gained. At the same time , my mom kept saying to play it safe, go to the doctor and get it checked out. There was no way that I thought I would be diabetic, though every single symptom I was having lead directly to diabetes itself. As a precautionary procedure , I called my Doctor and made an appointment for the next day …show more content…

As I told one of the nurses that I was there to do a blood test, she rushed me to the back of the office. . The nurse poked my finger and put the blood into one of the test strips. She told me to expect a call with the results within three-to-four-hours. On pins-and-needles, as I waited for that phone call, certain that it would not be something to worry about, I began to sweat. Meanwhile , I relied on research from the Internet as an attempt to get an idea of what is going on in my body. My phone rang at one o'clock. They told me I have to go back and see the Doctor,which I did. The moment I walked in, I saw the despair and frustration on the Doctor's face. He told me that I was diagnosed with type two diabetes. My face turned white from the bad news. I explained to him that there must be an error. Two hours later , I checked myself into the hospital. Unfortunately, the results were the

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