My Career As A Dentist

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Everyone wants to be something great when they grow up, whether it’s a profession in the medical field, a profession in law enforcement, or even a major league sports player. Since the 8th grade, I've always wanted to become a dentist and have my own office. In this paper, I will discuss why my dream is to become a dentist and the steps I will take to ensure that I reach my goal.
“A dentist determines issues in the mouth and treats patients' teeth, gums, and related parts of the mouth. Dentists are trained to diagnose, prevent, and treat various problems associated with teeth and mouth tissue” (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2015). It is the dentist’s responsibility to be fully aware of different types of dental problems and can recognize those problems through looking at x-rays. “The primary focus of dental care is to teach their patients of how to prevent gum disease, tooth loss, etc.” (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2015). A dentist must closely monitor a patient’s mouth by using various instruments. A dentist must also properly suggest treatment depending on the diagnosis. “Other occupations that …show more content…

First, I must get my AA degree, which I am already signed up to take classes in the fall that I need for that degree. After I received my AA, I plan to get my Bachelors, Masters and then my PhD. After I get my PhD, I am going to apply to a dental school and take an exam known as the Dental Admission Test (D.A.T). The acceptance process into dental school is highly selective and consists of many parts. For me it means lots of long nights filled with studying! “Along with the D.A.T, you also must apply with an essay and do an interview. Dental schools offer either a degree known as Doctor of Dental Surgery (D.D.S) or a degree known as Doctor of Dental Medicine (D.M.D). Each degree is equivalent to the other” (Bureau of Labor Statistics,

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