My Air Force Experience

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I’m a prior enlisted officer with many years in the service. My long Air Force career and current leadership characteristics have been molded by incidents in my life and career. These incidents include my grandfather’s influence, significant events in my Air Force career, and my contributions to Air Force and national intelligence objectives in my current job. These three things are the leading factors that have made me the leader I am today. Each of these things contributed to different traits like; dedication to hard work, honesty, goal setting, initiative, persistence, and many more.

The experiences I had growing up have ingrained numerous morals, and some of my beliefs that I still carry today. I grew up in Miami, Florida and was raised by my grandfather and grandmother. My grandfather was my role model. My grandfather was a person who lived through the depression and learned to work hard and pay cash for what you want. He believed in old fashion hard work and that’s something that I too believe. He also believed in honesty always. In the Air Force honesty is depicted in our core value of integrity which I feel is extremely important and try to live daily. Finally, he also was in the Army Air Forces and fought in World War II. He would tell me about his time in the Air Force and how he really liked the military life. This is why when I was looking to go to college and thought of the military’s GI Bill the only service I considered was the Air Force. Here in my twenty first year, I can simply see how some of my values that I learned from growing up with my grandfather have helped develop the leader traits of honesty, accountability, and a sense of patriotism and dedication to the Air Force.


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... support allied missions. The intelligence we create has great influence on our future doctrine and the way we may need to prosecute war against a particular enemy due to the weapons systems they will have. These intelligence perspectives have given my leadership characteristics a better sense of significance to Air Force missions.

Even though I have been in the Air Force for many years, there are still things I am learning about leadership and how to become a better leader. My current leadership characteristics have been influenced by my experiences growing up with my grandfather, the significant events in my career, and my current assignment in intelligence. Through these moments in my career and life I have developed the current traits of the leader I have become. I also know that my leadership traits will constantly evolve through new experiences.

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