Muslim Dietary Laws

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The Islamic dietary laws include one of the strictest diet types which is known as Halal and people who practice the Islamic religion must abide by it. The basic guidance about the halal food laws is revealed in the Quran, the divine book of God. The followers of Islam eat and drink Halal food and drinks, and if they eat Haram things (not Halal) they are considered sinners.
Islamic dietary laws are versatile due to their slaughtering method, vegetarian appeal, and alcohol prohibition.

Halal animals must be treated well, and transported and handled in a pure manner to respect the animals sacrifices. Islam emphasizes on the humane treatment towards all animals even the ones that are sacrificed to eat. Animals are raised humanely because they are not fed antibiotics or meat and are allowed to roam freely. Even the day the are executed it is done in a quick manner to not cause suffering. Next is the way the …show more content…

There is a growing number of Muslim vegetarians around the world because of how easy and pure it is. Many people think that a muslim must eat meat but, eating meat is not compulsory for being a Muslim The Islamic culture allows the eating of only vegetarian food for those who choose not to eat meat. In the Quran there is nowhere that states that to be a Muslim you must eat meat. Vegetarian food is also purer than non-vegetarian food because no animals are sacrificed. Vegetarians eat plant based food thus not needing to eat any animals, which in most eyes is considered more pure. Finally vegetarian food provides the same amount of nutrients and supplements needed to live a healthy life. One of the only things that vegetarians are missing from plant based foods is protein, however a vegetarian could still get protein from things like nuts and eggs, thus missing out on anything a person that eats meat gets. This shows that being a vegetarian is simple and has many advantages in practicing

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