Muslim Culture Dbq

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Since the beginning of Europe itself Muslims and Europeans have clashed over religious and cultural styles. This hatred began during the crusades when Christian Europeans drove out and killed Muslims that had begun to immigrate to their lands. Europe had been divided since into Western Christian Europe and Eastern Catholic/Islamic Europe. Even in current day the relations between the two cultures seems to have reached new peaks of instability. In Muslim culture the ideals of the West to do not sit well with them as Western Europeans are seen as blasphemous and scandalous in their eyes. From Western Europe’s perspective the Islamic culture is blasphemous and unprogressive compared to their ideals. Neither side has ever seen eye to eye …show more content…

In Germany for instance “Muslim religion and their extremely patriarchal family structure,” have “kindled a subliminal anxiety,” with not only Germans but Austria as well (Document 5). This quiet dislike for the Muslims in Germany as led to prejudice against them as Germans are uncomfortable with how they act as a family. This anxiety has spread to many as more and more Muslim immigrants enter into Germany. Along with differing family styles, Western Europeans have become unsettled as the new Muslim immigrants create more competition for jobs. In Western Europe the introduction of more competition for work led to “anti-immigrant feeling directed primarily against Muslim workers,” which caused for even more hatred for one another (Document 2). With an already uneasiness due to culture differences, the added thought of Muslim Immigrants competing for jobs as well was the nail that broke the camel's back causing an even greater hysteria and disliking for the Muslim culture. Just as Americans despised Asian and Eastern European immigrants when they began to compete for American jobs the Europeans felt the same way and would begin to have a harsh prejudice against Muslim immigrants. The social differences led to the tension between both cultures and this hatred would only be furthered by religious …show more content…

Europeans did not approve of the Muslims religion of Islam and vice versa with the Muslim view of Christianity. Even in everyday life Muslims are scrutinized as the the French Minister of education stated “in practicing exclusion, that we will promote the evolution of Islam in the Western world” (Document 1). Some of the Western governments exclude Islamic culture from the Western world purposely to divide the ideals. The mistreatment of Muslims causes for them to hate Western Europeans even more and some Western Europeans just want to get rid of the opposing culture completely because of their deep hatred because of past sins. These feelings also are caused from many Europeans being devout Catholic which has many differences with the Islamic religion. However, their are some Western Europeans who champion diversity and do not want to ignore Islamic religion and culture. In 2000, Philippe de Schoutheete of Belgium said that “Diversity is clearly one of the keys to European society,” allowing for the less accepted view that the Muslim culture was a good thing in Western Europe (Document 7). The tensions are so high now that few Europeans want this diversity of religion, and Schoutheete statement is drowned out over the animosity for Muslim immigrants and religion. The different religions are the basis for the clash of Western Europeans versus

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