Musical Autobiography Essay

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Music has been a part of my life from the earliest I can remember from my childhood. I had a tutor come to my house and teach me lessons and we served her breakfast every day. When we eat, my godfather used to play Christian songs in the radio. My godparents are godly and taught me lot of spiritual songs. Even though I did not take music classes, I knew all the songs and hymns of my church’s prayer book. Those are the kind of songs I learned and memorized first, then as I grew little older, I started listening to Indian movie songs. I particularly liked songs that are built on low tempo, slow, and melodious. I only listened to songs in Malayalam, a language spoken in the southern state of India, Kerala. After I came to the U.S in 2010, my music began to be more diverse in taste. I began listening to songs in Hindi, which is the official language of India. This was a different experience for me because I didn’t speak Hindi, yet I loved the lyrics of many Hindi songs using English subtitles. Then I started listening to English songs of many different artists. Then I came across a song called “God Blessed the Broken Road” and I didn’t even know the genre of the music. After looking up, I released it was country music and perhaps that’s why …show more content…

I listen to K-Love, a contemporary Christian music radio station when I travel to school, church and other places. It is uplifting to hear songs that remind me about faith, love and hope. I found these songs to be encouraging and even challenging my views sometimes. Even though there are different types of gospel songs, I like the ones that are of low amplitude, and of low tempo. This gives me time to think, and reflect on the meaning of the songs. I often relish listening to gospel songs that are of high beat, high tempo music if I am exercising or cleaning the house; the rhythm of the song gives me motivation to keep on

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