The muscular system is an organ system that is associated with the movement of the body. This movement may be physical movement of the entire body, such as walking or running. It can also be movement of things, such as blood and food, within the body. The muscular system is made up of three types of muscles. Those muscles are skeletal, cardiac, and smooth. Skeletal muscles are voluntary which means it’s controlled consciously. The job of the skeletal muscles is to contract to cause the movement of bones at a joint. Skeletal muscles allow us to run, walk, and jump. Cardiac muscles are involuntary which means they are not controlled consciously. Cardiac muscles are found in the heart, and they are in charge of pumping blood all through the body. Lastly, smooth muscles are also involuntary. Smooth muscles are also known as visceral muscles. Smooth muscles move substances through the body, such as food and blood. …show more content…
Its main function is to allow our body to move It is responsible for mobility, posture, and breathing. It is also plays a role in digestion and is essential for pumping blood. The muscular system cannot function on its own. It has to work with the other systems to keep our body going. The muscular system work with the nervous system because sometimes you have to think before you move. The receptors in the muscles supply the brain with information about the location and movement of our body. The muscular and digestive system also work together to function correctly. The muscles in our digestive tract helps the food move through. The muscular and skeletal system work together because the muscles are attached to the bones that make up the skeletal
Prior to intubation for a surgical procedure, the anesthesiologist administered a single dose of the neuromuscular blocking agent, succinylcholine, to a 23-year-old female to provide muscular relaxation during surgery and to facilitate the insertion of the endotracheal tube. Following this, the inhalation anesthetic was administered and the surgical procedure completed.
The three functions of the skeletal system are to support, to allow movement, and to protect. The skeleton is the framework of the body and also cradles its soft organs, with it the body would be just a jelly mass it wouldn’t have no definite shape and would just collapse. It supports the softer tissues and provides points of attachment for more skeletal muscles to hold all of the parts of the body upright. For example, the bones of the legs as pillars to support the body trunk we stand up. It also supports the body against the pull of gravity. The skeletal allows movement. The skeletal muscle attached to the bones by tendons and uses the bones as a simple mechanical lever system to move the body and its parts. All together with the muscles
All organ system work together; in order to keep and support the conditions that the cells, tissues, and organs need to function properly. Each organ system has an important function in the body. There is one system that is not as well known as other; it is the integumentary system. Most people know the organs of the integumentary system, but they do not know that these organs work together to form this system.
Many other body system are interrelated to the musculoskeletal system, which including skeletal, muscular, nervous, and digestive and circulatory system. Receptors in the muscles provide the brain with information about body position and movement. The nervous system controls the contraction of the muscles. The nervous system regulates the speed at which food moves through the digestive tract. The smooth muscles of the walls of the digestive organs rhythmically and efficiently move food through out the digestive system into other parts of the body. The muscular system works closely with the nervous system.
Kinesiology can be defined as the study of mechanics of body movements, so I think that is very important to know the meaning of movement when studying kinesiology. Everything in kinesiology has to do with the movement. Every action the body takes is a movement which is what kinesiology is. You cannot be successful in the field of kinesiology no matter what you are doing if you do not understand what movement is. It is the study of human movement, performance, and function by applying the sciences of biomechanics, anatomy, physiology, and neuroscience. It looks at movement and which muscles are involved to create movement relating to strength exercising and sports technique. Movement is an act of changing physical location or position or of
The skeletal system assists the muscular system to provide movement for the body. Certain muscles that are attached to bones contract and pull on the bones resulting in movement.
The muscular system is an intricate system that if affected can seriously affect the quality of daily living as well as total life span. Covering the entire body the muscular system consists of skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscle. And within the three muscle groups five basic functions are executed: movement, protecting vital organs, pumping blood, aiding digestion, and ensuring blood flow. None of these important tasks would be possible without a healthy and strong muscular system.
The muscular system’s main function is movement. Muscles are the only tissue in your body that can contract and move other parts of the body. The second function of the muscular system is the maintenance of posture and body position. The muscles responsible for the body to have the greatest strength of all muscles in the body. The last function of the muscle tissue is the generation of body heat. Our muscular system processes a great deal of waste heat.Muscles contract to hold the body still or in position rather than to cause movement. The cardiac and visceral muscles are responsible for transporting substances like blood or food from one part of the body to the other.
[3] H. S. Milner-Brown, R. B. Stein, and R. Yemm. "The Orderly Recruitment of Human Motor Units during Voluntary Isometric Contractions." The Physiological Society 230th ser. (1973): 359-70. Web. 22 May 2014.
When observing both cell types under a microscope several differences are obvious. Firstly, skeletal muscles are larger than smooth muscle cells (one muscle cell can be up to 100µm in length). They are also multinucleated whilst smooth muscle cells are uninucleate (Alberts et al, 2002: 961). Additionally, skeletal muscle cells appear to be striated, whereas smooth muscle cells do not show this banding pattern; but are instead smooth and tapered. The absence of this patterning in smooth muscle cells suggests that they consist of a less organised collection of contractile fibres (Silverthorn, 2007: 397). This banding pattern in skeletal muscles is known as the sarcomere.
The musculoskeletal system is comprised of bones, joints, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, fascia and muscles. Together these body parts work to establish a framework that is the musculoskeletal system. This framework is what gives the body its shape, form, and figure. It stabilizes the body as well as supplies the structural support. The musculoskeletal body features not only provide a framework for your body but allows your ability to create movement. These movements are monitored by the musculoskeletal components which then determine your degree of flexibility. Overall the amount of energy your body uses comes almost entirely from these musculoskeletal functions. Which makes sense because it
Muscles are very vital to the human body and as seen above mankind could not survive without this system. It helps for energy, movement, temperature stabilization, pumps blood, and keeps everything working properly as well as many more things. Muscles don’t just do it all by themselves though, muscles work with every other system in the body especially the nervous system because that is were in gets all of its impulse signals from the brain so that the muscle are able to do the things they are capable of.
The nervous system’s main function is to coordinate all of the activities in the body. The main organs are the cerebellum, which controls and coordinates movement. The cerebrum, is the center for conscious thought, learning, and memory. The last main organ is the brain stem. The brain stem keeps the automatic systems in your body working. Problems of the nervous system include, epilepsy, Alzheimer’s, and multiple sclerosis. You can care for your nervous system by wearing a seatbelt, wearing a helmet, and by not using drugs or alcohol. Something very confusing about the nervous system is that the left side of human brain controls the right side of the body and the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body!
Support is a very important fuction as without the skeleton the body would have no means of staying upright as almost all of the body tissues are soft this helps gives the body structure. The Skeleton plays an important role in the protection of the organs for example the skull protects the brain and the ribcage protect the lungs.The skeleton assists in the movement of the body as the ligaments in the body attach bone to bone and the tendons attach muscle to bone. To create movement the muscular system and the skeletal system work together creating the musculoskeletal. The skeleton can begin to move once the muscles contract. The fifth function of the skeleton is the formation of joints, these are essential to create movement within the body. Muscle attachment allows the bones to move. This is done by the muscles attaching to the bones by tendons. Minerals such as calcium salts and phosphorus are stored in the bones. The final function of the skeletal system is the formation of blood cells; most of the blood cells for the body are produced by red bone