Multitasking Persuasive Essay

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Multitasking has become second nature for most of the people in the digital world. People would like to think that doing multiple tasks at once would be beneficial, but in reality multitasking is an oxymoron. According to, “the word multitasking became a buzz-word in PC operating systems, notably the earlier version of windows.” In other words, multitasking started with computers. A computer has the ability to process more than a million types of information in a matter of seconds. Although a computer is able to succeed in multitasking, the human mind cannot come close to processing that same amount of information, so essentially humans are incapable of multitasking. It’s actually kind of an unfair comparison. In its simplest form --walking …show more content…

This may not show immediate danger but over time people have been unable to recall immediate information, or switch from one job to another. Travis Bradberry of stats that, “participants who multitasked during cognitive tasks experienced IQ score declines that were similar to what they’d expect if they had smoked marijuana or stayed up all night.” Doing two different task with different goals proves to be difficult like trying to read a book while listening to music your brain doesn’t have the capacity to perform both task successfully, but when compared to playing the drums you are doing different task but is different because your brain is working towards one goal. The most common and dangerous form of multitasking is texting while driving. In 2012 The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported “driver distraction was the cause of 18 percent of all fatal crashes – with 3,328 people killed.” When you start to look at your phone while driving your brains attention switches too, leading you to react slower, and not see objects coming your way or in front of

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