Muhammad Brown Censorship Essay

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Censorship Essay Have you ever heard the name Ali Muhammad Brown? For those who get their news from CNN and some other mainstream news sources, the answer would most likely be no. Ali Muhammad Brown is a 29 year old, known Jihadi extremist, was apprehended last month after a killing spree of at least four young men. Three of the murders took place in Seattle and the fourth took place in Essex County, New Jersey. Muhammad Brown was on the run for two months prior to his arrest. The censorship that has happened to this story and other stories by news outlets is intolerable. After Muhammad Brown was taken into custody, last month, he made it very clear that he was anti-American. He also made it unambiguous that his actions were a part of a larger …show more content…

Actual, reputable news networks talk about celebrity gossip to fill up air time, while the real stories slip through the cracks. While some of the stories that should really matter, go unreported. Therefore, unnoticed by the American people. I am not saying the media never covers important issues, because they do. Yet, some significant issues like the Ali Muhammad Brown murder streak become censored. The only reason I could assume this story has been censored is due to the fact that Muhammad Brown is a jihadist and somehow this does not fit into the motive of some news networks. Four innocent people were murdered and it took over a month to make any mainstream news headline. When such acts are performed, you would usually hear about it from news networks. The difference between other serial killings that get mass media coverage and this one is Muhammad Brown's background. This ultimately, should make no difference in the media coverage a story receives. The way I see the actions of Ali Muhammad Brown is as terrorism, domestic terrorism to be exact. To me, in no way should that be even remotely hidden from the American people. It scares me for the sake of our country that things like this are able to be censored and not shared with the people. As citizens, we deserve to know when there are real threats. Whether domestic terrorism or not, it is still a threat to our safety and

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