Ms. Harris Being Smart Quotes

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Meaningful Quote Everyone grows up hearing quotes that are important to history and mankind. Some people’s favorite and most meaningful quote may not be from a history book or other work of literature. The quote that I’ve found most important to me came from one of my teachers and I think about it nearly every day. The quote she told my class has changed how I view myself, the people around me, and has, in turn, made me more empathetic. What my teacher, Ms. Harris, said was rather simple, but obviously it had a great impact me. She said that “being smart doesn’t matter, but being intelligent does”. Before my Ms. Harris brought this to my attention, I never really thought about the difference between being smart and being intelligent, and I always assumed the terms were interchangeable. Now that I have had time to think about what Ms. Harris, I realize and value the difference between the two. I interpret “being smart” as having a …show more content…

Having a good life depends on if you are truly happy with what you have become or with what you are becoming. Some people don’t want to attend college, and instead find careers that they are perfectly content with and that do not involve a college degree. Happiness and intelligence should be measured by the way a person can respond to the dilemmas that occur day-to-day. Students are made to believe that they are not good enough because their grades are less than stellar. Schools are too focused on getting funding from the government to care about the aspirations of students who do want to follow the path to college. The student may want to run a family business or they may have a family to take care of and cannot afford college, the reasons to omit college are unlimited and we should keep that in mind before we decide to judge someone on their grades and appears to others their lack of

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