Moving To High School

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I moved from Lonedell R-14 School District. I have went there for my whole life since kindergarten. I knew that when the end of 8th grade came around that I would be transitioning to a new school all by myself when all of my friends we’re going to be going to highschool with all of my friends that I grew up with. By the end of 8th grade I was being introduced to Sullivan High School. I had already tried out for the cheer team and made it, I went to summer school and made my first friend of high school, Kellsey J Strehl who would end up being one of my best friends, and I also went to the freshman orientation and got to see the kids that I would be going to school with. That summer, I didn’t do much but hang out at the sullivan pool with my …show more content…

At times I am very thankful for high school because of the great friends I am getting out of it. High school has showed me that it isn’t just about learning and having good grades, it’s about having fun and showing people the real you. It is about being the person you are. Making friends and having fun with them. High school has helped me make so many great friends. And coming from a little school and not knowing anybody, I didn’t ever think I was going to make the friends that I did. And I am more than grateful for them. My friends and high school have made me the person that I am today. It has showed me that high school is filled with different kinds of people and some people just aren’t going to like you and that is okay.. Their lose is that way I look at it. It has showed me that some things just aren’t going to go the way you want them too. Things will go wrong and you’re just going to have to find a way to get over them. My friends have showed me that with the support of them behind me that I can do anything and know that they are going to be there for me and support me all the way through. I am happy that I chose to go to Sullivan High School. I think that it was the right choice for me. It has done so much for me. I have met so many people that I hope to have life long friendships with. It has made me the person who I am right now. I am proud of this person I have

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