Moving To America

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People migrate from their native lands to foreign countries for better life. Moving to another country is not easy. They face a lot of problems. In 2015, I moved from my country to US, after I got married. Everything was totally different from language to culture. I found it a little hard to adjust here, but my family supported me to grow and to learn. I have been in the US for five years now, and I can tell that my perspective has grown personally from nothing to everything. First, the way I use to think about culture, relations, and living life has changed. For example, back in my home town people think that women should be restricted to certain things such as they cannot work outside, they should not study, they don’t have freedom to choose their life partners, also they don’t have freedom to wear clothes that they like. Basically they are not allowed to live there life independently. Old age people just think that girls are just a burden to them. However I learned in US that women are independent to choose whatever they want in their life. They are as equal as men. As a result, my thinking has broaden about women’s restriction and there rights of living after moving to US. …show more content…

Behavior represents a person’s way of thinking. For example, in India people normally don’t talk to strangers, and also they teach this to their children. One day my mom, my brother and I went to some relative’s house by bus. My brother was being so friendly to the person next to him. Suddenly my mom called him and said “Why you are talking to strangers in front of that person?” At that time, I was okay with whatever my mom said, but now after knowing American culture, I realized that what my mom said that day was wrong. I think that was rude. I actually now realized how people are friendly here, and they talk to you because they want to be

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