Movie Poster Analysis

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The Evolving Paradigm of Movie Poster The scene is a dark planet in the middle of space with a lone figure standing in a dark field, only lighting his path with a lightsaber. This poster, of course, comes from the creators of the iconic “Star Wars” movies. The whole purpose of a movie poster is to sell the movie to you, with just a glance, and make a profit. The way a movie poster is designed is all about capturing the viewer’s attention. For example, a person like me would be attracted to colorful images on the poster and an interesting title that holds my attention. Farther more, the design, color, and font are used to properly emulate the mood and tone of the film. And the poster probably includes a memorable sentence or slogan that piques your interest and makes the plot sound alluring. The background of the poster has planets, stars, and galaxies that indicate that the film is set in space. The planet that is being destroyed in the background suggest that an intergalactic war is happening. The lone figure holding the neon blue lightsaber can be representative of the main character. The poster is primarily dark colors, which is a signature for Star Wars movies, but the color also gives a sinister feel like a …show more content…

Most of the demographic is male because, they love the sense of adventure and going through challenging trials to achieve a goal. Being able to achieve one’s goal is what everybody dreams about, which is something males could relate to. The imagery in the poster would hook people in is the symbolism that goes along with lightsabers. The lightsaber creates a sense of nostalgia for a viewer who has followed the series since the beginning; reminding them of the good old days of classic movies. The poster is also quite exotic looking with the image that is presented looks out of the ordinary and

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