Motivational Interviewing Scenarios

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Introduction The motivational interviewing video was very informative. It not only described the five guidelines for conducting the technique, but it also demonstrated how motivational interviewing is done. The insight gained while watching the video allowed self-reflection and even motivated me to change the way I view working with clients. Motivational interviewing is a style in which I am not familiar. However, it makes complete sense to use this approach when the common goal is for the client to make a healthy change and it appears to be very beneficial when working with a variety of client situations. Key Points The most important key point that I gathered from the video, is that motivational interviewing is a client-centered approach that allows the client to be in control of his or her outcomes. This approach demonstrates a level of respect between the client and therapist and allows the client to be authentic and remain in control of his or her destiny with the guidance of the therapist. Miller utilized strategies to pull out what already existed in his client to help work towards making a healthy lifestyle change. He went into the session hopeful and with the knowledge that the client knew himself better than anyone …show more content…

However, after Miller’s video, I feel that it could possibly be an area worth exploring. I cannot say there were any strategies used that did not make sense. I am a motivator by nature; therefore, motivational interviewing is quite intriguing and nothing in the video pushed my buttons. I cannot say that something would not fit with my style of work. However, in the past I have enjoyed utilizing the “righting reflex,” but after gaining more knowledge about working to help individuals create healthy change, I am working towards becoming a more effective practitioner and dissociating myself from the “righting

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