Motivation and Salary

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. Introduction

The majority of people on earth work either with or without salary (housewives, volunteers). Why some of them work more and others less? Why some of them are happy in their jobs and others are not? The questions were puzzled managers and psychologists who, through the understanding of employee incentives want to steer their behavior to reach the objectives of the organization. The following essay will consider two basic motivation theories that attempt to answer the above questions.

2. Motivation

The desire for a purpose creates behavior. Motivation is to provide appropriate incentives to meet the needs of employees to behave according to the way the company wants. Motivation is linked to human needs but not obvious. "Man lives only for bread, when there is no bread" (Zavlanos 2002). According to Hackman and Lawler (Zavlanos 2002) motivation is an internal state that activates people fulfills some purpose. The purpose of motivational theories is to predict behavior.

3. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Abraham Maslow aimed to identify what motivates human behavior. Maslow's theory is based on three fundamental assumptions. (Zavlanos 2002).

• People are beings who have needs that can affect their behavior. Only needs not being met can affect a person's behavior and needs are met not act as an incentive.

• The human needs are classified in a hierarchical order from the most basic (food, shelter) as the most complex (self-actualization, success)

• The person proceeds to the next level of needs, from the most basic to the most complex , if only meet the need of lower level.

Investigating the needs of man and the motivational power, classified them into five levels : physiological, ...

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... whose needs are mainly economic. At the same time the high unemployment rate in our country, especially among young people, make the safety and permanence of high motivational factors. So money motivates people only at lower levels of needs. The more climbs in the administrative hierarchy of a person, the more important it is for it to meet the psychological needs. Money has high influence on the motivation of individuals to rise to the upper levels.

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