Motivation Essay

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Motivating employees is the inducing or indoctrinating them with enthusiasm or the urge to be diligent in their work. Additionally, it will lead to the espousing of the need to uphold harmonious relations between them. The ultimate depiction of a motivated workforce is their willingness to work. Subsequently, this leads to increase in employees’ performance output which in turn leads to increased output and turnover of the organization. Therefore, the inter-link between motivation of employees and the success of an organization is profound (Chaudhary & Sharma, 2012). It can be achieved through a variety of forms. The management has the primary role in motivating the employees. This is as postulated hereunder.
Firstly, it is vital that the management stimulates the workforce to attain desired or the set out goals. In essence therefore, setting sound and attainable goals is vital in the motivation endeavors of the organization (Witt, 2013). Setting goals that are ostensibly unachievable is one of the biggest de-motivators for employees. The management’s role in setting the goals shoul...

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