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Employee engagement literature review
Employee motivation and job performance
Employee motivation and job performance
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Recommended: Employee engagement literature review
Motivating employees is the inducing or indoctrinating them with enthusiasm or the urge to be diligent in their work. Additionally, it will lead to the espousing of the need to uphold harmonious relations between them. The ultimate depiction of a motivated workforce is their willingness to work. Subsequently, this leads to increase in employees’ performance output which in turn leads to increased output and turnover of the organization. Therefore, the inter-link between motivation of employees and the success of an organization is profound (Chaudhary & Sharma, 2012). It can be achieved through a variety of forms. The management has the primary role in motivating the employees. This is as postulated hereunder.
Firstly, it is vital that the management stimulates the workforce to attain desired or the set out goals. In essence therefore, setting sound and attainable goals is vital in the motivation endeavors of the organization (Witt, 2013). Setting goals that are ostensibly unachievable is one of the biggest de-motivators for employees. The management’s role in setting the goals shoul...
Motivational interviewing is a guiding system that aide’s individuals to resolve conflicted affections and insecurities with finding interior inspiration to change their conduct. It is empathetic, practical, furthermore short-term procedure that takes under thought how troublesome it is to make lifestyle changes. Motivational interviewing was invented by clinical psychologist William Miller and Stephen Rollnick. This method was created to help people escape addiction (Miller and Rollnick, 1991).
Motivation is an internal process that makes a person move toward a goal, the dynamic of behavior. Do not be fooled though, people can be motivated by external incentives as well. First, a person experiences a need that energizes behavior called drive. A response is then activated that leads a person to their goal. According to Coon and Mitterer (2016) motives can be divided into three categories, biological, stimulus, and learned motives.
The basic premises of the goal-setting theory is the relationship between how difficult and specific a goal is and people’s performance. We live in a goal-oriented society as people usually adhere to specific targets with a plan of action for guidance. Lack of accomplishment of goals leads to job dissatisfaction. Locke’s Goal-Setting Theory from 1968 has been a powerful way of motivating people and is often utilized in whole organizations to increase focus and productivity. The more specific and difficult goals are designed the more likely staff can achieve these goals as opposed to being too vague or easy goals. An organization should consider the five following principles of goal setting: clarity, goal difficulty, goal acceptance, goal specificity and feedback. Organizations that set clear and challenging goals and are open to honest feedback have a greater chance of achieving goals. According to Locke and Latham (2002), goal setting can be useful in predicting job satisfaction. Job satisfaction is an important attribute for employee productivity and commitment to the
For an organisation to motivate its employees, it has to understand the factors that motivate people such as needs, motives, drives, goals or incentives.
Motivation is defined as the process that initiates, guides and maintains goal-oriented behaviours. Motivation is what causes us to act, whether it is getting a glass of water to reduce thirst or reading a book to gain knowledge. Goal Setting is where we set specific targets aims that we wish to achieve, they need to be S.M.A.R.T or else they become dreams rather than believable goals. .
Motivation is key in the workplace. It is developed from the collaboration of both conscious and unconscious principles such as the strength of desire or need, motivating force or reward estimation of the objective, and desires of the person and of his or her peers/co-workers. These elements are the reasons one has for carrying on a specific way. An illustration is an understudy that invests additional energy contemplating for a test since he or she needs a superior review in the class. The Inside and outside principles that animate want and vitality in individuals to be constantly intrigued and centered around their work, part or subject, or to try to achieve an objective.
Employee motivation has always been a central problem in the workplace, and, as an individual in a supervisory position, it becomes one’s duty to understand and institute systems that ensure the proper motivation of your subordinates. Proper motivation of employees can ensure high productivity and successful workflow, while low worker motivation can result in absenteeism, decreased productivity rates, and turnover. A large body of research has been produced regarding motivation, and much of this research is applicable to the workplace. Due to the nature of man, motivation varies from individual to individual, and, because of this, there is no one system that is the best for ensuring worker motivation in every organizational situation, and, as a product, many theories have been created to outline what drives people to satisfactorily complete their work tasks. Throughout the course of this document, the three main types of these motivational theories will be outlined and examples of each, as well as how these theories can be used to further strengthen and sustain worker motivation....
The job of a manager in the workplace is to get things done through employees. To do this the manager should be able to motivate employees. But that’s easier said than done! Motivation practice and theory are difficult subject, touching on several disciplines.
People’s behaviour is determined by what motivates them. The aim of this essay is to discuss the essence of the motivation and psychological strengths, its evolution, a brief overview of the key theories of the employees’ motivation and behaviour analysis. The main task is to understand how motivation affects employee behaviour and to clarify the importance of motivation. In this essay I will discuss and produce definitions and examples to answer the main question of what is the driving force and how do people’s needs influence performance at work?
Motivation is the force that transforms and uplifts people to be productive and perform in their jobs. Maximizing employee’s motivation is a necessary and vital to successfully accomplish the organization’s targets and objectives. However, this is a considerable challenge to any organizations managers, due to the complexity of motivation and the fact that, there is no ready made solution or an answer to what motivates people to work well (Mullins,2002).
Dwight D. Eisenhower once said, “Motivation is the art of getting people to do what you want them to do because they want to do it.” Studies have found that high employee motivation goes hand in hand with strong organizational performance and profits. Therefore, managers are given the responsibility of finding the right combination of motivational techniques and rewards to satisfy employees’ needs and encourage great work performance. This becomes a bit more challenging as employees’ needs change from one generation to another. Three of the biggest challenges a manager faces in motivating employees today are the economy and threats to job security, technological advances, and company cultures that primarily focus on the bottom line.
Life is full of choices and decisions. These choices are decided based on our motivation to act on the choice. Motivation is what drives how we perceive life and the actions we wish to follow. There are three main types of motivation: biological, intrinsic, and extrinsic motivation. We are driven to act based on these three main types of motivation, sometimes in separation other times in cooperation. Biological motivation is our desire to act in order to satisfy the most primal needs such as food, shelter, and water. Intrinsic motivation is our desire to act in order to satisfy an ambition within, such as the hope to seek knowledge. Extrinsic motivation is our desire to act in order to gain a reward outside of ourselves. It allows students to see what the teacher values and the importance of a task. During this time of motivation a teacher may provide a tangible item, such as a sticker, when a student does well. This tactic can be very useful in teaching students where to place value. Extrinsic motivation coincides with the Premak Principle: “if I do this than I get this”. An example could be, if I write this paper than I can go shopping. The drive to write the paper would be fueled by an external desire to go shopping, rather than an intrinsic motivation to gain knowledge. These
In any organization, the desire to earn a salary will automatically push employees to show up for work (Barry et al., 2016). However, the theory of organizational behavior asserts that employees need to be motivated in order to perform to the best of their knowledge and ability. It is highly likely that employees today will be motivated in the event that they are able to see a clear link between the effort they put forth and the reward that the employee will receive afterwards. Such rewards must be seen as fair, and above all equitable. This is the only sure way to ensure that employees are inspired to work diligently. In order to achieve this goal, managers within the organization can motivate employees by setting realistic, achievable goals and measuring attainment. Achievement of these particular goals, can be set between the manager and employee. Once the goal is achieved, they employee should be appropriately awarded. This can be done either through recognition from the manager or financially. In this way, employees are motivated and efficient.
To meet the highly competent global business demands, leadership needs to shift its paradigm from controlling their employees to fostering empowerment at the workplace. Leaders need to understand that empowerment does not mean they lose their power, but rather they help create an organization wherein they and everyone else gain power which increases motivation and boosts high performance (Dinibutun,
Motivation, as defined in class, is the energy and commitment a person is prepared to dedicate to a task. In most of organisations, motivation is one of the most troublesome problems. Motivation is about the intensity, direction and persistence of reaching a goal. During the class, we have learned a substantial theories of motivation and many theories of motivations are used in real business. Each theory seems to have different basic values. But, they all have been analysed for one reason, recognising what motivates and increases the performance of employees. Ident...