Motherhood In The Media

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To see further how motherhood is portrayed in the media, it is important to note where it started and what kind of roles mothers take on in certain media. For instance, when television first came out it was apparent that the mother’s role was to be portrayed as always positive and well-kept to give viewers a sense that that was what motherhood was supposed to look like, nothing less. However, as time passed, this form of portrayal was not as useful in terms of entertainment and motherhood began to be portrayed in a difficult light. When TV producers recognized this lack of entertainment from their audience, they began to show the negative or more concealed aspect of motherhood to their viewers. Themes such as mother blame, motherhood …show more content…

This stranger then turns into her husband out of wedlock and they have their first baby. Wedlock is a concept where social pressure to have a child the traditional way and get a man that will be there to provide for the family influences the mother into marriage. This is exactly what happened with Eva as she quickly married this man before having his baby, however the marriage only lasted for a short while. In fact, 90% of all couples who have a child and then marry will be divorced in 6 years or less. (Unplanned Pregnancy and Marriage) Likewise, there seemed to be a thought in society that further influenced Eva into marriage; only married women can be good mothers who raise successful children. This theme is reoccurring throughout the movie as Eva tries to cope with her new life and the problems that she runs into with Kevin. It is likely that Eva felt the pressure of the motherhood mandate placed on females in society. This can be seen also in terms of the relationship that Eva had with her mother. During the movie she calls her mother and her tone and message depicts that they do not, and never did, have a good relationship. She ends the call early in annoyance when her mother says, “you’re just like me.” This can explain why she would want to fulfill the motherhood mandate and prove to herself that she is not anything like her

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