Moon Persuasive Speech

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“Put Your Space Gear On For President John.” By Em Have you heard of apollo 11? You have? Well i have a lot of stuff to tell you about it! I can tell you about the astronauts, the Rocket, the lunar model, and a lot of stuff like that! I think it’s pretty cool. Let’s start with why they went to the moon in the first place!

They went to the moon because it was a national goal set by President John F. Kennedy. Oh you’re probably wondering who are “they”, well the brave astronauts who went to the moon are named, Commander Neil Armstrong, command module pilot Michael Collins, and last but not least lunar model pilot Edwin Buzz Aldrin. Ok lets now start talking about the rocket and lunar model, because they are both cool.

The rocket is like three little rockets joined together. When the first rocket …show more content…

They have equipment that tells them if the spaceship is working right or if it isn’t working right. They can also talk with the astronauts a little bit to see if they’re ok, and to see how they’re doing in space. Now they need to get back to Earth!

On the way home, an astronaut climbs out the door and takes a picture of the Earth and the moon in space. They finally get back to Earth and land in the pacific ocean. A helicopter lifts the astronauts in a basket and carries them to a ship nearby. The happy astronauts wave and smile to everyone on a big ship. Then, at last they meet up with their families again. Their amazing journey is over, and I bet president John F. Kennedy is proud of the hard workers making this happen. Now we both know more about apollo 11. Hope you liked it. THE ENDder with its long stands! The lunar model is actually inside the big rocket and will come out when it’s ready. Now, we can start talking about the astronauts and how they got to the moon and stuff that gets

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