Monologue Of Eleanor

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Hi I’m Carrie and I’m a mute I can’t talk but I could hear and I have to warn you about a girl name Eleanor not only she’s a daughter of a devil but she was a normal girl until her dad murdered her now,she haunts apartment 715. My friend Jake Smith was a victim of murder maybe you will be next… If I were you I would stop reading from here or you’ll be scared and you’ll never be able to sleep again I warned you don’t tell me I did not. Ok I’m going to start… Jack Smith was a normal guy until he met Eleanor in a nightmare. While he was telling the nightmare his voice started trembling after every single word “ I was in an alleyway and and I saw my grandma but she-she seem so real and healthy but she died in 1942. Then I saw a girl with black shagged hair and gleaming red eyes and pointed to this apartment but my grandma refuse to”… There,there, there,she is! screaming with terror as I was trying to calm him down but after a while he calmed down himself and he never finished his sentence… After a while I kind a …show more content…

These innocent people fulfilled her demands but either way they all died so that technically means you die either way.I’ve always wondered how it will be like if I got haunted by Eleanor but it would mean I will die. So I stayed away as far as I can from her. It is May 17 and Jack really needs help he has been acting weird lately saying”you will be next”. That’s freaking me out because I guess this is about the nightmare so I stayed my distance. Also,I have been noticing that he doesn’t eat or drink at all now but I think my food is really good. Jack has been lately looking in the mirror and has been chanting for help probably from Eleanor. Its now June 23 its now my birthday turning 34 and i am going to move away i have a boy named jason and a girl named celeste they are the most beautiful children anyone could have.

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