Mrs. Kingshaw Monologue from My Last Duchess by Robert Browning

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Mrs. Kingshaw Monologue from My Last Duchess by Robert Browning


This is a monologue from Mrs. Kingshaw. This monologue has been

written to express Mrs. Kingshaws feelings about her son, Charles, in

comparison to her feelings about her stepson Edmund Hooper. This

monologue has bee written under the inspiration of a poem named, ‘My

Last Dutches’ by Robert Browning. I will try to use some of the skills

applied by ‘Robert Browning’ in this monologue.

This monologue is a representation of Mrs. Hooper, after the wedding,

which is held two days after the death of her son. Mrs. Kingshaw in

this monologue will be talking to Mrs. Fielding who is the mother of

Anthony fielding. Anthony was a friend of both Charles Kingshaw and

Edmund Hooper. The monologue is written to reflect Mrs. Kingshaw’s

personality, her views and her attitude towards other characters.

The monologue begins with a fast paced environment where Mrs.

Kinghshaw welcomes the party guests. The use of short sentences in

Mrs. Kingshaw’s speech suggest her happiness and joyfulness. It gives

the monologue a busy but joyful mood to begin with.

In the second paragraph Mrs. Kingshaw mentions a key word, “security”.

This word reflects her ambitions which run through the entire book,

I’m the king of the castle’. The drive for “Security” is what drove

her to Warings. The drive for “Security” is what drove her to a

relationship with Joseph Hooper. And the drive for “Security” is what

led her to neglect her son at the end of ‘I’m the king of the castle’,

through her actions. The second paragraph also gives an insight to

exactly how security has affected her. It shows ...

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...rageous. Certainly not. I mean… Preposterous. It just can’t be like

that. And furthermore it was never, nor will it ever be a suicide, it

was a tragic accident. Perhaps there may have been little quarrels

between the two children, but you cannot assume that Charles did what

your suggesting because of Edmund. I just cannot accept your negative

approach towards my Edmund. Mrs. Fielding, Anthony is wrong about

Edmund. I shall not tolerate such absentminded comments about my child

Edmund ever again. Never in my life have I heard such nonsense. No,

no, never. Mrs. Fielding as we are good friends and we both wish to

continue our friendship, therefore I would advise you to drop any

further questions on the subject!

Yes, dear. Coming. I must really dash, Mrs. Fielding, hope to see you

soon, but not too soon. Good day to you!

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